Westport Roundup News Pages

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Westport Minuteman And The Westport News Wont Tell You This, But....


It took Connecticut long enough, but it seems that forth district congressional voters are finally figuring out the Goldman Sachs Banker from Greenwich isn’t everything he was cracked up to be

The bad news? The country is stuck with Barack Obama for the next three-and-a-half years.

The good news? Thant in Connecticut's forth congressional district Dan Debecella is offering a contrast to his big spending, crony capitalist, welfare statist, global interventionist policies that has brought astagnet recovery to the state.

Anyway … according to the results of the latest Washington Post ABC News poll. Obama’s approval rating has plunged to 42 percent (compared to 55 percent who disapprove of his performance). Meanwhile only 41 percent approve of his handling of the economy (compared to 57 percent who disapprove) and only 33 percent approve of his handling of the implementation of Obamacare (compared to 63 percent who disapprove).

Wait … about one-third of America actually agrees with the perpetually wrong Jim Himes and thanks Obama has done a good job rolling out the failed Obamacare?

As for Jim Himes' Obamacare itself, 57 percent now oppose it compared to 40 percent who support it. Meanwhile 65 percent oppose the individual mandate tax that Jim Himes fought so hard for, compared to 34 percent who support it.

Those are terrible numbers, particularly when you consider the sample for the Post/ABC poll consisted of 31 percent Democrats and only 24 percent Republicans.

The was no comment offered from Jim Himes congressional office concerning the rapidly crumbling support for him and his beloved Obamacare.

An ABC News / Washington Post poll shows votes would chose Republican candidate Mitt Romney over President Obama, 49-45 percent, if they could have a do over.

And most of Connecticut's district 4 voters now wish that they could also have a mulligan on Jim Himes and the 2010 election.


Obama reached a new low in the ABC poll, with a 42 percent approval rating and 55 percent disapproval, and 57 percent of Americans oppose Obamacare, which host George Stephanopoulos called “brutal numbers for the White House.” Only 46 percent see Obama as a strong leader, and just 47 percent view him as trustworthy.

Full transcript:

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Our new ABC News/ Washington Post poll, which shows President Obama with the lowest support of his presidency. Those troubles with Obamacare hitting hard across the board. Seven out of ten Americans now think the country’s on the wrong track, and this comes amid new revelations that the administration was warned about the problems in the website as early as March. ABC’s Jon Karl is at the White House, and Jon, these are brutal numbers for the White House.

JONATHAN KARL: They sure are, George. The lowest job approval rating we have ever seen in the ABC News / Washington Post poll. Only 42 percent approving of the president’s job performance, 55 percent disapproving, and on the health care law, a record-high 57 percent say they oppose the law. Only 40 percent supporting it. George, look at this number. We asked voters if they could have a mulligan on the 2012 presidential election, who would they vote for. A plurality now say they would vote for Romney over Obama. But of course, that is one thing that President Obama does not have to worry about.

STEPHANOPOULOS: What a difference a year makes. Real signs that there were some red flashing lights back in March about the rollout of the website.

KARL: That’s right. It turns out we learned from the congressional committees investigating this that they asked a consulting firm to look at whether or not they would be ready, the McKinsey consulting firm. They found in a March report that was presented to White House officials in April that there were real problems. They thought the website would not be ready. Their biggest concern, George, was there was not enough time to do end-to-end testing, and of course we know that was exactly the case.


Friday, October 26, 2012

10/26/12 The Raw Westport News Feed

This Just In To The Westport Roundup Newsroom...

  • From Westport to Malawi: on Assignment 2012-10-26, 11:10 pm
    Helen Klisser During, director of visual arts at the Westport Arts Center today visited a remote village in Malawi, a landlocked country in southeast Africa, where she is on a photo assignment for the United Nations accompanying Helen Clark, United Nations Development Programme Administrator.
  • Bracing for Sandy 2012-10-26, 10:04 pm
    Warning that Hurricane Sandy could be worse than nor'easter that pummeled Westport in December 1992, town officials today urged residents in a CodeRed emergency telephone notification "to take all possible precautions," from checking emergency equipment to filling sandbags, possibly even evacuating flood-prone areas.
  • Westport First Selectman: Prepare For Flooding, Outages 2012-10-26, 09:01 pm
    WESTPORT, Conn. The following is a CodeRed telephone message issued by Westport First Selectman Gordon Joseloff Friday evening regarding Hurricane Sandy: "The Town of Westport is gearing up for a very serious storm event.
  • Nine properties honored with Historic Preservation Awards 2012-10-26, 06:37 pm
    The Tannery Cottage at 15 Powers Court is the recipient of a 2012 Historic Preservation Award from the Westport Historic District Commission.
  • Things to do in Westport this weekend 2012-10-26, 06:10 pm
    The weather promises to be wet and wild if Sandy decides to drop in this weekend in Westport, but there's still time for fun before the onslaught: It's "Next to Normal" at 8 p.m. Friday the MainStage Studio Theatre, 246 Post Road East at Colonial Green.
  • Westport Areas Likely to Experience Flooding 2012-10-26, 03:32 pm
    This Federal Emergency Management Agency map shows likely areas in Westport of flood inundation during hurricanes.
  • Westport EMS Offers Storm Preparation Tips 2012-10-25, 03:00 am
    WESTPORT, Conn. With weather forecasts indicating Westport will likely be hit by Hurricane Sandy early next week, Westport EMS encourages residents to start making health-care preparations for weathering the storm and its possible aftermath.
  • Connecticut's worst hurricanes 2012-10-26, 02:07 pm
    ... for help. The boat washed ashore after it broke away from its mooring just off Bell Island. The Wansiewicz are from Westport, CT. Wildfire Glenn Osmundson Hurricane Gloria Sept. 30, 1985 - Marjorie Wyler of Danbury Ave in Westport (near Compo Beach) ...
  • Are criticisms of Rajat Gupta's two-year prison sentence sound or suspect? 2012-10-26, 11:25 am
    ... & Gamble Co. board member Rajat Gupta, 63, on Wednesday as sufficient to deter others and properly punish the Westport, Conn., resident. "At the same time, no one really knows how much jail time is necessary to materially deter insider trading; but ...
  • Tiger-Sul Acquires Sulphur Processing Facility 2012-10-26, 09:09 am
    ... commodities and products that it sources, manufactures and markets. H.J. Baker & Bro., Inc. is headquartered in Westport, Connecticut USA. Tiger-Sul Products (Canada) Co. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of H.J. Baker & Bro., Inc. Tiger-Sul Products is ...
  • Retired Springdale filmmaker turns audio self-publisher 2012-10-26, 08:42 am
    ... and "Wickedly Funny." "Gordon" is the story of an advertising copywriter with "one leg on Madison Avenue, one in Westport, and both knee deep in trouble." Gordon's wife, according to the back cover, is divorcing him, his girlfriend is callous to his ...
  • Could monitoring devices aid probe into school bus incident? 2012-10-26, 08:32 am
    Westport police have confirmed that a camera and audio system were installed on the school bus where the driver apparently erupted last week in a profane and sexually explicit outburst in front of Coleytown Middle School students.
  • Westport weather: Calm before the storm ... 2012-10-26, 08:32 am
    Pounding weather looms for southwestern Connecticut, beginning late Sunday and continuing through early next week, as Hurricane Sandy continues this morning on a path that threatens the nation's East Coast.
  • Preservation Award Winner: Spotted Horse 2012-10-26, 07:58 am
    Among the nine winners of the Westport Historic District Commission 2012 Preservation Awards to be presented in a Town Hall ceremony at 7 p.m. on Monday, is the house at 26 Church Lane now occupied by the Spotted Horse restaurant.
  • Westport Prepares for Hurricane Sandy 2012-10-26, 07:39 am
    Westport First Selectman Gordon Joseloff said Thursday Westport is preparing for a major storm next week as forecasters say it is increasing likely that Hurricane Sandy will have an impact on the area.
  • What To Do In Westport This Weekend 2012-10-26, 07:19 am
    WESTPORT, Conn. The first annual Downtown Westport Foodie Fest kicks off this weekend.
  • Lionheart Looks To Make Pound Ridge Destination Town 2012-10-26, 04:30 am
    ... n I've lived in." The Lionheart Gallery, 27 Westchester Ave, will open a new exhibit Nov. 18 featuring the works of Westport, Conn. painter Claudia Mengel. For more information, call 914-764-8689 or visit http://www.thelionheartgallery.com/ .
  • Seniority/Westporter enjoys physical fitness 2012-10-25, 03:00 am
    Editor's note: This is one in an occasional series of chats with local seniors about their lives, youthful aspirations, sources of pride and regret, plus a bit of wisdom to share with younger folks.
  • Legend of the Fall: Staples' Hickok ready for one last run with Wreckers 2012-10-26, 02:17 am
    Staples goalie James Hickok stops a Darien ball, during boys soccer action in Westport, Conn.
  • 'Kabbalah of You' course offered at Chabad 2012-10-25, 11:14 pm
    "The Kabbalah of You: A Guide to Unlocking Your Hidden Potential" is the topic of a six-session course to be offered at Chabad of Westport, 79 Newtown Turnpike.

Friday, May 4, 2012

05/04/12 The Raw Westport News Feed

The Westport, CT News Wire...

  • Man injured in Post Road East scooter crash 2012-05-04, 09:40 pm
    A man was injured after the scooter he was riding on Post Road East in Westport, Conn.
  • Accident Backs Up Traffic in Downtown Westport 2012-05-04, 08:54 pm
    An apparent accident Friday afternoon at Myrtle Avenue and Post Road East in downtown Westport is causing major delays this evening.
  • Taste of Westport feeds CLASP Homes' coffers 2012-05-04, 07:57 pm
    Pulled pork? Check. Sumptuous sushi? Check. Creamy cupcakes? Also on the menu. All that and more was dished up Thursday night at Westport Inn, site of the annual Taste of Westport event.
  • Man injured in scooter crash 2012-05-04, 07:37 pm
    A man was injured after the scooter he was riding on Post Road East in Westport, Conn.
  • $1.68 Million Home Leads Westport Property Sales 2012-05-04, 07:26 pm
    WESTPORT, Conn. - Here's a list of paid property transfers from April 16 to 20, as reported by the Westport town clerk's office: a-a 28 Dogwood Lane: Sold by George S. and Anne R. Morris to David P. Russell and Natasha M. Lipcan for $1.68 million.
  • Two donors pledge $750,000 to Westport Weston Family Y building fund 2012-05-04, 06:38 pm
    An artist's rendering of the 55,000-square-foot Westport Weston Family Y the organization wants to build on its Mahackeno property.
  • Making an impression: Print shop celebrates 30 years with eclectic retrospective 2012-05-04, 06:33 pm
    Westport artist Ann Chernow's lithograph print, 'Alexander's Ragtime Band' will be among the works featured 'Milestone Graphics: 30 Year Retrospective,' a new show opening at the 22 Haviland Street Gallery in South Norwalk, Thursday, May 3, 2012.
  • Birinyi Bullish as Bears With Deja Vu Can?t Wait to Sell 2012-05-04, 05:49 pm
    ... out by the stories about possible corrections, the similarity to previous years," Laszlo Birinyi, the founder of Westport, Connecticut-based research and money- management firm Birinyi Associates, who was among the first to suggest buying stocks as ...
  • Cops: Wilton Murder Suspect Heard Voices 2012-05-04, 04:51 pm
    ... anne, called 911, telling the operator, "my husband is in a pool of blood." Police released the 911 call on Friday. WESTPORT, Conn. - A fire that erupted in the finished basement of a house on Half Mile Common in Westport Thursday night ...
  • Police Release 911 Call in Wilton Death 2012-05-04, 04:51 pm
    ... his 125 Signal Hill Road home Thursday. Ramsey's son, Aaron Ramsey, 22, was charged in the death Friday afternoon. WESTPORT, Conn. - A fire that erupted in the finished basement of a house on Half Mile Common in Westport Thursday night ...
  • This weekend Connecticut event May 5 at Sherwood Island State Park 2012-05-04, 04:47 pm
    This Saturday, May 5thA at Sherwood Island State Park in Westport Connecticut, the Audubon Connecticut and Greenwich Audubon is hosting the Great Park Pursuit's Spring Sprint from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The theme of this event celebrates the 20th Anniversary of International Migratory Bird Day.
  • Scooter Rider Injured in Crash 2012-02-04, 03:00 am
    ... condition. The victim, who was not wearing a helmet, according to witnesses, was transported to Norwalk Hospital by Westport EMS. Traffic was tied up at the busy intersection as police conducted an investigation. The female driver of the Volvo ...
  • Free skin-cancer screenings Sunday in Westport 2012-05-04, 04:01 pm
    The Westport Weston Health District is offering free skin-cancer screenings by a board-certified dermatologist on Sunday, May 6. The full-body screenings are planned from 9 to 11 a.m. at the district office, 180 Bayberry Lane, and will be conducted by Dr.
  • Diner Patrons Say Food Too Greasy, Refuse to Pay 2012-05-04, 02:43 pm
    ... r it. The manager told police that each woman left in a BMW. Police traced the plates to a Fairfield resident and a Westport resident. They spoke with the Westport woman, who said the food was "inedible."
  • Westport Approves First Pop-Up Cafes for Downtown 2012-05-04, 02:30 pm
    Two Westport restaurants will be adding pop-up cafes this spring, similar to this one seen in New York City.
  • Police: Son Suspect in Father's Slaying in Wilton 2012-05-04, 02:19 pm
    ... sey has been arrested and is being held on a $1 million bond. He was expected to be arraigned in Norwalk on Friday. WESTPORT, Conn. - A fire that erupted in the finished basement of a house on Half Mile Common in Westport Thursday night ...
  • Birinyi Bullish as Bears With Deja Vu Can't Wait to Sell 2012-05-04, 01:45 pm
    ... out by the stories about possible corrections, the similarity to previous years," Laszlo Birinyi, the founder of Westport, Connecticut-based research and money- management firm Birinyi Associates, who was among the first to suggest buying stocks as ...
  • P&Z approves revised parking regulations 2012-05-04, 01:23 pm
    After more than two months of deliberations, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved Thursday night a text amendment that creates a new parking standard for theaters and houses of worship in Westport.
  • Things to do in Westport this weekend 2012-05-04, 01:23 pm
    You can get some exercise, learn a new skill or tour the town this weekend. Here's a list of suggestions to keep this Westport weekend fun-filled: Get up bright and early Saturday and go "Biking for a Breakthrough" starting at 7:30 a.m. at Sherwood Island State Park.
  • Norwalk restaurateurs set sights on Fairfield 2012-05-04, 01:08 pm
    Oscar Lopez, a Westport contractor, right, and restaurateur Kevin McHugh discuss renovations being made to the former venue of Greenhouse Grill and, most recently, The Fairfield Spot.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

03/17/12 The Raw Westport News Feed (20 Hyper Local Westport News Stories)

  • 'Pop-out' cafes OK'd in Westport 2012-03-17, 02:16 am
    Restaurants in downtown Westport can set up "pop-up cafe" seating, after the proposal was approved Wednesday by the Board of Selectmen.
  • Broadway's Brian Stokes Mitchell to bring his 'eclectic' show to Westport gala 2012-03-16, 11:38 pm
    Tony Award-winner Brian Stokes Mitchell headlines a benefit for the Bridgeport-based Neighborhood Studios of Fairfield County on Saturday, March 17, at the Westport County Playhouse.
  • 9/11 Tribute Center Honors Westport School Project 2012-03-16, 07:45 pm
    ... Laturnau (language arts) receive an award from the Tribute WTC Visitor Center for a school project they created. WESTPORT, Conn. - Westport's Bedford Middle School was one of 10 schools across the country honored by the Tribute WTC Visitor Center in ...
  • Proposal Would Allow Non-Professionals To Administer Medical Treatment To Students 2012-03-16, 07:18 pm
    ... the school building to administer her daughter's Also speaking on behalf of the bill were Victoria and Jim Ross of Westport , whose 6-year-old son, Emmett, has epilepsy. All of his seizures require a dose of the antiepileptic medicine Diestat, ...
  • Westport Faculty Plays in Youth Basketball Benefit 2012-03-16, 02:00 pm
    WESTPORT, Conn. - There will be a basketball fundraiser for the Westport PAL, featuring the world famous Court Jesters, March 30 at Staples High School.
  • Westport Soccer Tournament Kicks Off Saturday 2012-03-16, 02:00 pm
    WESTPORT, Conn. - The 32nd annual Westport Invitational Soccer tournament kicks off Saturday with games scheduled for girls teams ranging from ages 9-18. The tournament is hosted by the Westport Soccer Association , and benefits the Coleman Brothers Foundation and a scholarship fund to assist families of travel players enduring financial hardship.
  • Longshore Ladies 9-Hole Group Plans Meeting 2012-03-16, 01:00 pm
    WESTPORT, Conn. -- The Longshore Ladies Nine-Hole Golf Association is hosting its annual pre-season membership drive and morning coffee from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Thursday in the McManus Room of the Westport Public Library.
  • Teen cleared of alcohol charge 2012-03-16, 05:04 pm
    ... 2011, when Felman was 18. The charge was dismissed on Jan. 9 in Norwalk Superior Court. Stay up to date on all of Westport's community events, high school sports and more in our Week in Photos slideshow! The Board of Selectmen, by unanimous votes ...
  • Winter Daffodils 2012-02-04, 03:00 am
    Among the winter daffodils appearing in Westport were these spotted on Compo Road South.
  • Jane Green pumps up the drama in her new novel 2012-03-16, 02:49 pm
    Westport novelist Jane Green has a new book out about the challenges of a wife getting along with her husband's children from an earlier marriage.
  • Let there be lights: Final OK for Staples field 2012-03-16, 11:34 am
    The Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday unanimously approved a site plan and special permit proposed by Westport public schools, which allows installation of permanent lighting fixtures at the Staples football field.
  • Things to do in Westport this weekend 2012-03-16, 11:34 am
    Friday night catch a performance by the Staples Players of "Into the Woods," at 7:30 p.m. in Staples High School, 70 North Ave.
  • Radisphere Releases Next Quality Update Piece: "Preventing Wrong Events in Radiology" 2012-03-16, 11:27 am
    ... through ongoing quality efforts. Radisphere ( www.radisphere.net ), headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio and Westport, Connecticut, is raising the levels of accountability, performance, and satisfaction that hospitals and physicians should expect from ...
  • Riding high: Westport's 50 most expensive vehicles 2012-03-16, 11:07 am
    A Porsche 911 GT2 RS. Porsche was the second-most popular make on the 2011 list of the 50 most highly assessed vehicles in Westport.
  • Chateaux Launches New Web Presence 2012-03-16, 10:55 am
    WESTPORT, Conn., March 16, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Chateaux Software, a leading technology services provider, has announced the launch of their updated web presence at www.chatsoft.com . The new website features information about Chateaux's expanded set of technologies and services.
  • Restaurant Week in Westport served up March 25-30 2012-03-15, 03:00 am
    The annual Westport-Weston Restaurant Week, organized by the Westport-Weston Chamber of Commerce, is planned from Sunday, March 25, to Friday, March 30.
  • Bill Requires Parental Consent for Teen Tanning Customers2012-03-16, 08:34 am
    ... a bill that tells parents how to raise their children, while Thomas Petitti, manager of Sunsations Tanning in Westport , questioned how the government would even enforce the law. Barbers and hair salon owners in Connecticut -- some of which operate ...
  • What's Happening in Westport This Weekend 2012-03-16, 08:03 am
    WESTPORT, Conn. - Wondering what to do this weekend? Here's a look at some of the events planned in Westport over the next three days.
  • Lifelong Weston Friends: Horse Who Once Lived in Newtown, Cow Die Days Apart2012-03-14, 03:00 am
    ... animals grieving, though no formal research study exists that demonstrates the phenomenon scientifically, said Westport animal behaviorist Dr. Michele Wan , the owner of Westport Dog Training LLC who holds a doctorate degree in psychology with a ...
  • Westport Field Lights Project Nears Finish Line 2012-03-16, 01:24 am
    ... and Zoning Commission meeting. This is an example of field lighting installed by Musco Lighting in California. The Westport Board of Education is seeking the installation of four field lights at Staples High School. WESTPORT, Conn. - After more than

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

02/21/12 Recent Westport News Articles

  • GFA Earns No. 2 Seed For FAA Tournament 2012-02-21, 02:34 am
    ... 12-2), the defending FAA champion. During the regular season, GFA beat King twice -- 66-51 in Stamford and 73-67 in Westport.
  • New Automobile Fuel Economy Standards 2012-02-19, 11:05 am
    ... to be hammered out by the end of 2011. Did this happen and where do things stand now? -- Scott Ellis, Norwalk, CA Westport, CT - infoZine - E/The Environmental Magazine - After years of wrangling on the issue, auto companies, regulators and ...
  • Staples Boys Run to State Open Crown 2012-02-18, 10:00 pm
    ... High School boys indoor track and field team poses with the championship trophy. It is the State Open title for Westport since 1991. Staples' Mikolaj Kulis, right, runs in the 3,200 with Fairfield Warde's Harry Warnick, center, and Newtown's Jake ...
  • Staples Girl Wins Pole Vault at State Open 2012-02-18, 10:00 pm
    WESTPORT, Conn. - Lexie Schachne won the pole vault in Saturday's State Open to lead the performances of Staples girls in the meet at the Floyd Little Athletic Center in New Haven.
  • Staples Science Club Takes First in State Comp 2012-02-18, 04:40 pm
    ... Staples High School Applied Science Club won first place in a state-wide machine design contest with this device. WESTPORT, Conn. - Students in the Applied Science Club at Westport's Staples High School have the chance to compete in a national ...
  • Herman develops into All-FCIAC football player 2011-01-24, 03:00 am
    ... and Greg Lewis bring down Fairfield Ludlowe's Chris Boardmen during the varsity football game at Staples High in Westport on Saturday, Oct. 30, 2010. Photo: Amy Mortensen, ST / Connecticut Post Freelance Greenwich High School's #15, David Josephson, ...
  • Weston EMS Profile: Goldenberg committed to safety 2012-02-21, 12:34 am
    ... Middle School. "My wife is really busy," Dr. Goldenberg said proudly. "She's a substitute teacher at Landmark in Westport and teaches yoga at the Wilton Y and the Montessori School. She also teaches Tai Chi to seniors in Easton." "It's my job to ...
  • Himes highlights federal funding surge for roads and bridges 2012-02-20, 10:40 pm
    Joe Carbone, President and CEO of the WorkPlace, on hand as Congressmen Jim Himes and Chris Murphy hold a press conference in Westport, Conn., February 20, 2012 , to discuss the need to invest in transportation infrastructure.
  • Celebrating women artists at Silvermine Arts Center 2012-02-20, 06:42 pm
    ... Galerie (Columbus, Ohio), Visual Arts Center of New Jersey (Summit, N.J.), Fairfield Arts Council ( Fairfield ), Westport Arts Center (Westport) and The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum (Ridgefield). Armstrong is a juried member of the Silvermine ...
  • Calls swamp Bridgeport nonprofit after '60 Minutes'2012-02-20, 06:28 pm
    Joe Carbone, President and CEO of the WorkPlace, on hand as Congressmen Jim Himes and Chris Murphy hold a press conference in Westport, Conn., February 20, 2012 , to discuss the need to invest in transportation infrastructure.
  • Himes, Murphy, call for 21st century bridge, road investment 2012-02-20, 06:22 pm
    ... patches eight different times. In front of the backdrop of the structurally deficient Saugatuck Bridge in Westport today, Congressmen Jim Himes (CT-4) and Chris Murphy (CT-5) discussed the need for long-term federal transportation funding. The ...
  • Scholarships available for high school seniors 2012-02-20, 06:22 pm
    Graduating seniors who reside in the towns of Bridgeport, Easton, Fairfield, Milford, Monroe, Shelton, Stratford, Trumbull or Westport, and who are planning to enroll in an accredited two- or four-year college or post-high school vocational or technical school, are eligible to apply for scholarships from the Fairfield County Community Foundation.
  • Lawmakers urge against funding cuts 2012-02-20, 05:18 pm
    Westport, Conn. - Two members of Connecticut's congressional delegation say many of the state's bridges are not safe for travel.
  • Sherwood Sunday Walk 2012-02-20, 01:25 am
    Sunny skies and temperatures in the 40s drew many people to local Westport beaches today, including Sherwood Island State Park.
  • Lin-mania at Dunville's 2012-02-20, 12:45 am
    Westport basketball fans and others attracted to the phenomenon of Jeremy Lin's rapid rise to stardom on the New York Knicks converged on bars such as Westport's Dunville's Restaurant, 41 Saugatuck Ave., today to watch the game against the Dallas Mavericks, last year's NBA champs.
  • Swans on the Saugatuck 2012-02-19, 10:09 pm
    Two elegant swans, perhaps looking for a handout, seemed to be enjoying the winter sunshine on the Saugatuck River in Westport.
  • Focus on the County's Most Structurally Deficient Bridge2012-02-04, 03:00 am
    Politicians and labor leaders gathered today at a bridge carrying I-95 traffic over Westport's Saugatuck Avenue that has been ranked first in Fairfield County and the fourth in the state for being structurally deficient with the highest traffic volume.
  • Presidents Day Meeting in Saugatuck 2012-02-04, 03:00 am
    Today's Presidents Day holiday was not a day off for elected officials, four of whom met in a commuter parking lot in Westport's Saugatuck section to urge increased federal spending on Connecticut's transportation infrastructure.
  • 'More Infrastructure Spending Means Jobs' 2012-02-04, 03:00 am
    Fixing Connecticut's infrastructure will mean more jobs for the state, two congressmen told a Westport event today highlighting the I-95 bridge over Saugautuck Avenue as the county's most heavily trafficked structurally deficient bridge.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

02/05/12 Police Investigate Break-In at Mitchells

Westport police are investigating a break-in at Mitchells on Post Road East. Police responded Sunday night to a call that a private security firm was on the scene of a smashed front window at the store on Post Road East.

A purse was reportedly found outside the store.

A Mitchells spokeswoman said it was unclear what happened, but a source at the store said some merchandise had been taken.

Friday, April 8, 2011

04/08/11 The Raw Westport News Feed

News Reports About Westport, CT
Swing Set Rules Stay in Place
Wall Street Journal
AP WESTPORT, Conn.—The children of Westport can keep swinging but only as long as their play sets aren't too close to their neighbors' property. The town's zoning board has rejected a proposal to ease rules that require swing sets to sit at least 50 ...
Westport Swing Set Appeal Doesn't Fly
NBC Connecticut
By LeAnne Gendreau Nothing will change. Children in the wealthy town can keep swinging on the swing sets only as long as the sets is not too close to the neighbors' property. The case gained national attention after Cary Moskowitz was ordered to remove ...
Westport native John Darnton pieces together his father's past in new memoir
Ct Post
Westport native John Darnton, a longtime editor and foreign correspondent for the New York Times, has released his memoir, "Almost a Family." He will speak on the book at the Westport Library on Sunday, April 10 at 2 pm Photo: Contributed Photo ...
Westport Woman's Club Fashion Show Welcomes Spring
The Daily Stamford
by Meaghan MorelliToday Wendy McKeon and her son, Drew, walk the runway for the Westport Woman's Club wearing styles by Brooks Brothers. Sunny skies have finally found us, and the Westport Woman's Club has just the event to help you spruce up your ...

The Daily Stamford
Endorsement for Westport Board of Health candidate
South Coast Today
Citizens of Westport, please consider voting for Donna Lambert for a Westport Board of Health member. Donna has served the town as a Board of Health member for some 10 years. Donna knows the state and federal mandates with regard to enforcing our ...
'My Way' loses its way at Westport's MTC
Ct Post
"My Way" is decidedly not my way. The title refers to the current show at the Music Theatre of Connecticut. Though billed as "a musical tribute to Frank Sinatra," there is little about it to recapture Sinatra's world and his music. ...
Westport weather: A chancy outlook, except for Saturday
There's a "chance" that any outdoor plans today -- and for most of the next few days -- might not work out. That's because, with the exception of tomorrow, the National Weather Service predicts there is a chance of rain at least part of every day ...
Things to do in Westport this weekend
Photo: Contributed Photo / Westport News Before you go fly a kite, you have to make one and you can do that Saturday at Kite-Making Day hosted by Earthplace, 10 Woodside Lane, from 2:30 to 3:30 pm Participants can make a simple and apparently ...
Drunk Driving Death Brings Westport Man 30-Month Prison Sentence
By Harold F. Cobin | Email the author | 5:20am US Marine Charles M. Rochlin was 24 when he died in a Westport car crash in December 2009. US Marine Corps NORWALK – A Westport man who admitted he was intoxicated in December 2009 when he crashed the SUV ...
Westport town election will be mostly uncontested
Fall River Herald News
Westport's Town Hall looks right at home in a coastal New England town; the weathervane is a likeness of a schooner. photo by jack foley By Marc Munroe Dion A judge restored incumbent Selectman Brian Valcourt's to the ballot but 12 of the town's 18 ...
Pickup slams in Westport office building
Ct Post
WESTPORT -- A pickup truck slammed into an office building at 489 Post Road East Thursday afternoon, gouging a large hole in the corner of the structure. Firefighters at headquarters a block away heard the collision about 4:33 pm and traveled to the ...
Helping trees, shrubs spring back from wicked winter
Eric B. Rogers, co-owner of Westport-based Coastal Tree Experts, performs some "crown reduction" on a plum tree at the rear of a Morningside Drive property Wednesday afternoon. This past winter, with all of its snowfall, did more damage to trees and ...
Frugal Family: Five Great Deals in Westport This Week
Viva Zapata, serving authentic Mexican food and outrageous frozen drinks at the same location in Westport since 1969. 203-227-8226 530 Riverside Avenue www.vivazapata.com 5. Bottles Fine Wine & Spirits Save 10 percent on your purchase and every Friday ...
Westport Arts Center's VIVA! celebrates arts visionaries
Norwalk Plus Magazine
By Westport Arts Center Westport Arts Center supporters and arts lovers joined together on April 2 to celebrate the organization's mission, its connection to the community through the arts, and to honor long-time community arts supporters, ...
Esther Kramer
She is survived by her husband, Sidney Kramer of Westport; a son, Mark Kramer of Boston; a daughter, Wendy Posner of Chicago, and four grandchildren. A program commemorating Kramer will be held at 2 pm Saturday, May 7, in the Westport Public Library, ...
Westport's Jennifer Foster Stars in 'Die Fledermaus'
Westport Now
Jennifer Foster of Westport will sing the lead soprano role of Rosalinda this weekend when Troupers Light Opera performs Johann Strauss's "Die Fledermaus" at the Westport Country Playhouse. Jennifer Foster: In opera company's Playhouse debut. ...
Government Shutdown Battle: 'Compromise is Not a Dirty Word'
Clients of the Westport Center for Senior Activities say a government shutdown would be "ridiculous" and "dreadful." Elsewhere, concern grows. Charlie, 87, and Winifred Martinek, 84, are not worried yet but say it would be "a dreadful thing" if Social ...
Fairfield University responds to anti-bullying video from Westport
The Hour
Students from Fairfield University have responded — like tens of thousands of people around the world — to a plea from Westport teenager Alye Pollack to stop bullying. Recognizing the issue associated with peer bullying, students from Fairfield ...
Westport Police Seek Missing 17-Year-Old Girl
By Anthony Karge | Email the author | 10:15pm The Westport Police Department is looking for a 17-year-old girl last seen on foot in the area of Greens Farms Road and Medwell Lane. Police say the girl is 5 feet tall with long brown hair. ...
Blotter: Suspected Shoplifter Passes Out Drunk
By Anthony Karge | Email the author | 12:00pm The following arrest information was provided by the Westport Police Department. It does not indicate convictions. If you're going to shoplift, make sure you don't pass out drunk in your car with the stolen ...
Max Wilk Memorial Service Set for Saturday
Westport Now
A memorial service will be held in Southport Saturday for Westport author, playwright and film and TV writer Max Wilk who died Feb. 19 at the age of 90. (See WestportNow Feb. 21, 2011) Max Wilk addresses a Westport Public Library audience in 2008. ...
Two injured as truck strikes Westport office building
Minuteman News Center
At 2:33 pm Thursday, firefighters at Fire Headquarters in Westport at 515 Post Road East heard a loud crash outside their building. A pickup truck heading westbound on the Post Road had slammed into the corner of the building located at 489 Post Road ...
Pleasantville Man Allegedly Shoplifted, Drove Intoxicated
By Anthony Karge Westport, CT, police arrested Matthew Hudson, 40, of Pleasantville on April 4 after he was found asleep in his vehicle. Police report responding to the area of Wilton Road and the Merritt Parkway after being ...
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AmeriCares Head: Haiti Will Lag in Earthquake Recovery
Westport Now
Curt Welling, president and CEO of Stamford-based AmeriCares, told a Westport Arts Center audience Thursday night that relief efforts from the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti will lag those from last month's quake in Japan. The charity is involved in ...
Some Enchanted End to Play With Your Food Season
Westport Now
The ninth season of the lunchtime Play With Your Food play reading series came to an end today at Westport's Toquet Hall with performances of two one-act plays and excerpts from Rodgers and Hammerstein's "South Pacific," including "Some Enchanted ...
Farewell to the Festival
Although it isn'ta local event, I was deeply saddened to read in the newspaper this morning that the Festival Italiano, which had been an annual summer event in Westport for nearly 30 years, has come to an end. We Fairfield County Italians looked ...
Nurturing the reading habit in elementary school
Wilton Bulletin
However, according to George Beck of the Westport Huntington Learning Center, there are a number of things parents can do to help their children incorporate reading into their lives outside of school. "It's difficult to convince a child that reading is ...
A Blog Post About Westport, CT
Cynthia Gibb And The Healing Arts | 06880
By Dan Woog
There was plenty to love about last weekend's Westport Arts Center gala. A full house at the Westport Country Playhouse honored Joyce Thompson, and Cindy and John Vaccaro, for their many contributions to cultural life. ...
06880 - http://06880danwoog.com/
Recently Updated Web Pages About Westport, CT
260 SOUTH COMPO ROAD, WESTPORT,CT 06880. Phone: (203) 341-5090. FAX: (203) 341- 5073. FAX (203) 341-5073. CONDITIONS FOR FACILITY REQUEST ...
Westport ct News From AOL News
Westport ct news. See the latest headlines on westport ct from AOL News. Videos, photos & westport ct pictures on all of the latest news from the US ...

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04/08/11 Westport Topix News Message Board: Drunk Driving Death Brings Westport Man 30-Month Prison Sentence

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Westport - News April 8, 2011

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Drunk Driving Death Brings Westport Man 30-Month Prison Sentence (Patch)
A Westport man who admitted he was intoxicated in December 2009 when he crashedA the SUV he was driving into a tree on Greens Farms Road --A killing his lifelong friend --A was sentenced Thursday to being incarcerated forA 2 1/2 yearsA of a ten year prison sentence.

Bands Battle at Toquet Hall in Westport
Bands Battle at Toquet Hall in Westport (The Daily Westport)
Six Weston-based bands will take the stage at 7 p.m. Friday for the Battle of the Bands at Toquet Hall in Westport.

Westport Denies Change to Swing Set Rules (The Daily Westport)
If you've got a swing set or play set located within 50 feet of your property line, you better find another spot for it.

Please send your comments, news tips and press releases to WestportRoundup@gmail.com

Chef Pietro Scotti Cooks it in the Classroom (The Daily New Canaan)
Da Pietro's is a Westport institution, serving up authentic Italian cuisine for almost 20 years.

AmeriCares Head: Haiti Will Lag in Earthquake Recovery
AmeriCares Head: Haiti Will Lag in Earthquake Recovery (Westport Now)
Curt Welling, president and CEO of Stamford-based AmeriCares, told a Westport Arts Center audience Thursday night that relief efforts from the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti will lag those from last month's quake in Japan.

Surveying the Damage on Post Road East (Westport Now)
Westport firefighters survey the damage today after a pickup truck crashed into the corner of a medical office building at 489 Post Road East.

Westport Arts Center's VIVA! celebrates arts visionaries (StamfordPlus)
Westport Arts Center supporters and arts lovers joined together on April 2 to celebrate the organization's mission, its connection to the community through the arts, and to honor long-time community arts supporters, Joyce Thompson and Cindy & John Vaccaro.

Westport victim's family speaks at sentencing (Thehour)
WESTPORTBy STEVE KOBAKHour Staff Writer A former Westport man was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison Thursday at Norwalk Superior Court for a 2009 drunken driving accident that killed a U.S. Marine.Matthew Packer, 26, also received five years of probation for the drunken driving .

Patch Picks: Vintage Westport Businesses (Patch)
Patch Picks Opinion, Business These family-owned businesses have called Westport home for 50 years and counting.

Coleytown Middle's 'Fiddler' Opens Tonight
Coleytown Middle's 'Fiddler' Opens Tonight (Westport Now)
Westport's Coleytown Middle School tonight presents its Coleytown Company Production of "Fiddler on the Roof." The 7 p.m. performance will be followed with same time performances on Friday and Saturday at well as a 1 p.m. Saturday performance.

Italian Festival Canceled After 27 Years (Westport Now)
The director of Westport's Italian Festival said today the annual summer event has been canceled after 27 years because virtually all the income last year went to pay expenses.

Michael Wilson To Receive Community Salute In June (The Hartford Courant)
Cast of the Westport Country Playhouse production of Christopher Durang's "Beyond Therapy" Frank Rizzo TICKER April 7, 2011 hc-rizzo-ticker-0407-20110407 M ichael Wilson , who will step down as artistic director of Hartford Stage in June, will receive a community tribute at an event at the theater June 20.

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Westport Local Sports

Greenwich boys track building with youth (Fairfield Citizen-News)
Having a new coach and a team loaded with underclassmen, it would be easy for Greenwich boys track to write off this season as a rebuilding year and look toward the future.

Staples leads Ludlowe 3-2 in suspended girls tennis match (Fairfield Citizen-News)
Staples' Katie Reiner returns the ball to Fairfield Ludlowe's Alyssa McAndrews during their match Wednesday April 6, 2011 at Staples High School in Westport, Conn.

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Westport Local Business

Out-Of-Control Truck Plows Into Office Building (Patch)
The two occupant of the truck were hospitalized, but nobody in the fully occupied office next to Philips 66 was hurt.

Danny Meyer Documentary: The Restaurateur (KQED)
Danny Meyer and Roger Sherman You know it's going to be a good day when it starts with a Shack Stack .

Four Whole Foods Market stores to donate 5 percent of proceeds to Clean Air-Cool Planet (New Canaan News-Review)
In honor of Earth Month 2011, four Whole Foods Market stores in Connecticut announced today that they will donate five percent of net profits from sales on April 12 to the regional non-profit Clean Air-Cool Planet .

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